File: src\classes\Shapes\SphereShape.js
* @class SphereShape
* @param radius {Number} sphere radius
* @constructor
Goblin.SphereShape = function( radius ) {
this.radius = radius;
this.aabb = new Goblin.AABB();
this.calculateLocalAABB( this.aabb );
* Calculates this shape's local AABB and stores it in the passed AABB object
* @method calculateLocalAABB
* @param aabb {AABB}
Goblin.SphereShape.prototype.calculateLocalAABB = function( aabb ) {
aabb.min.x = aabb.min.y = aabb.min.z = -this.radius;
aabb.max.x = aabb.max.y = aabb.max.z = this.radius;
Goblin.SphereShape.prototype.getInertiaTensor = function( mass ) {
var element = 0.4 * mass * this.radius * this.radius;
return new Goblin.Matrix3(
element, 0, 0,
0, element, 0,
0, 0, element
* Given `direction`, find the point in this body which is the most extreme in that direction.
* This support point is calculated in local coordinates and stored in the second parameter `support_point`
* @method findSupportPoint
* @param direction {vec3} direction to use in finding the support point
* @param support_point {vec3} vec3 variable which will contain the supporting point after calling this method
Goblin.SphereShape.prototype.findSupportPoint = (function(){
var temp = new Goblin.Vector3();
return function( direction, support_point ) {
temp.normalizeVector( direction );
support_point.scaleVector( temp, this.radius );
* Checks if a ray segment intersects with the shape
* @method rayIntersect
* @property start {vec3} start point of the segment
* @property end {vec3{ end point of the segment
* @return {RayIntersection|null} if the segment intersects, a RayIntersection is returned, else `null`
Goblin.SphereShape.prototype.rayIntersect = (function(){
var direction = new Goblin.Vector3(),
return function( start, end ) {
direction.subtractVectors( end, start );
length = direction.length();
direction.scale( 1 / length ); // normalize direction
var a = direction ),
b = start ) - this.radius * this.radius;
// if ray starts outside of sphere and points away, exit
if ( a >= 0 && b >= 0 ) {
return null;
var discr = a * a - b;
// Check for ray miss
if ( discr < 0 ) {
return null;
// ray intersects, find closest intersection point
var discr_sqrt = Math.sqrt( discr ),
t = -a - discr_sqrt;
if ( t < 0 ) {
t = -a + discr_sqrt;
// verify the segment intersects
if ( t > length ) {
return null;
var intersection = Goblin.ObjectPool.getObject( 'RayIntersection' );
intersection.object = this;
intersection.point.scaleVector( direction, t );
intersection.t = t;
intersection.point.add( start );
intersection.normal.normalizeVector( intersection.point );
return intersection;